Attorneys for ‘Rust’ armorer say she was pressured to work in an unsafe environment

Attorneys for the “Rust” film armorer charged with involuntary manslaughter Tuesday said she felt “extreme pressure” to work within an irresponsible culture that resulted in the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins in 2021. Hannah Gutierrez-Reed and actor Alec Baldwin were both charged Tuesday with two counts of involuntary manslaughter in New Mexico. First assistant director David Halls has already agreed to plead no contest for the negligent use of a deadly weapon. Attorney Jason Bowles said Halls “rushed” Gutierrez-Reed “all the time,” which did not allow her to do a full safety check on the gun held by Baldwin that…
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Presiden Biden Mengumumkan Satu Calon Baru untuk Melayani sebagai Pengacara AS, Satu untuk Melayani sebagai Marsekal AS

Presiden mengumumkan niatnya untuk mencalonkan satu calon baru untuk menjabat sebagai Jaksa AS dan satu calon baru untuk menjabat sebagai Marsekal AS. Ini adalah pejabat yang akan sangat diperlukan untuk menegakkan supremasi hukum sebagai pejabat penegak hukum federal. Orang-orang ini dipilih karena pengabdian mereka untuk menegakkan hukum, profesionalisme mereka, pengalaman dan kredensial mereka, dedikasi mereka untuk mengejar keadilan yang setara untuk semua, dan komitmen mereka terhadap independensi Departemen Kehakiman. Presiden telah mengusulkan anggaran yang secara signifikan akan meningkatkan pendanaan untuk penegakan hukum sebagai bagian dari pendekatan komprehensif untuk mengatasi meningkatnya tingkat kejahatan yang diwariskan pemerintahan ini. Presiden juga telah meluncurkan…
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Attorney General’s office to take over prosecution of accused Scott Co. deputy killer

LEXINGTON, Ky. (WKYT) – WKYT has learned the prosecution of the man accused of killing Scott County Sheriff Deputy Caleb Conley is being taken over by the state’s Attorney General office. Steven Sheangshang is accused of shooting Conley during a May 22 traffic stop in Georgetown. The move for Attorney General Daniel Cameron’s office to take over was at the request of Judge Jeremy Mattox who is the chief circuit judge for the district that includes Scott County. In this particular case, the Attorney General’s Office will take over after the district court proceedings against Sheangshang are complete. Normally, prosecutions…
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Trump to get schooled on rules after district attorney worries he’ll use evidence to slam witnesses

NEW YORK (AP) — Donald Trump was ordered Thursday to appear by video at a May 23 hearing in his Manhattan criminal case after a judge this week set rules barring him from using evidence in the case to attack witnesses. Judge Juan Manuel Merchan scheduled the hybrid hearing — the former president on a TV screen, his lawyers and prosecutors in court — to go over the restrictions with Trump and to make clear that he risks being held in contempt if he violates them. The case is continuing in state court even as Trump’s lawyers seek to have…
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State attorney’s office to seek death penalty against Keith Moses

The Orange-Osceola State Attorney’s Office announced it will seek the death penalty against Keith Moses. Moses, 19, is accused of going on a fatal one-day shooting spree in the Pine Hills neighborhood back in February, killing three people. the shooting spree are Natacha Augustin, Spectrum News 13 reporter Dylan Lyons, and 9-year-old T’Yonna Major. Major’s mother, Brandi, was also shot but survived, as well as Spectrum News 13 photographer Jesse Walden. State Attorney Monique Worrell sent out a letter Friday afternoon to explain her office’s decision to seek the death penalty against Moses. Worrrell says in her letter she is…
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Kim Gardner blames attorney on leave for office’s no-show in murder trial

st. LOUIS — St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly M. Gardner responded Friday to a judge’s threat to hold her in contempt of court by blaming an attorney for not telling her office he had a trial slated to begin while he was on leave. The filing says prosecutor Alex Polta, who has been on approved leave since early April, failed to warn Gardner’s office about a murder trial that was set to begin last Monday. No one attended the first day of trial in Polta’s place, and Judge Scott A. Millikan filed an order for Gardner’s office to show cause…
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MS State Auditor looking into the rights of Jackson Council amid a legal fight

The Jackson city attorney’s office has been in communication with State Auditor Shad White over concerns that the City Council hiring its own attorney in its garbage fight with the mayor constitutes unauthorized expenditures, according to an email sent from City Attorney Catoria Martin to members of the Council and administration, which was obtained by the Clarion Ledger. A spokesperson for White said Friday that the office does not comment on open investigations, nor does it confirm or rule out possible subjects of its investigations. This comes as the council and the mayor are headed to court. The council is…
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Reversal of Stephen Smith death ruling is rare, attorney says

(NewsNation) — Stephen Smith’s mother has been fighting for more answers in her son’s death ever since South Carolina authorities discovered his body in the middle of a road in 2015 and ruled his death a hit-and-run. An attorney representing Stephen’s family announced Tuesday that the state no longer believes Stephen was killed in a hit-and-run accident and reversed its ruling to homicide. “This is what I’ve been waiting for,” the teen’s mother, Sandy Smith, told NewsNation’s Chris Cuomo. While officials initially determined Stephen Smith was the victim of a hit-and-run in July 2015, his family doubted that ruling from…
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