Cho Seung Woo Pilih Jadi Pengacara dalam Drama Divorce Attorney Shin

SEOUL (RIAUPOS.CO) – Drama JTBC mendatang, Divorce Attorney Shin telah membagikan cuplikan baru Cho Seung Woo sebagai peran utamanya. Berdasarkan webtoon populer, drama “Divorce Attorney Shin” akan menceritakan kisah seorang pengacara perceraian yang bernama Shin Sung Han (kata “shinsunghan” dalam bahasa Korea berarti suci). Dikutip dari Soompi, Shin Sung Han dalam drama itu akan diperankan oleh Cho Seung Woo, seorang pianis klasik yang lahir dari keluarga kaya dan tumbuh dengan segala kemewahan. Karena bakat dan kecerdasan yang dimilikinya, Shin Sung Han menjadi profesor di sebuah universitas di Jerman pada usianya yang ketiga puluh. Tetapi ketika dia sudah memiliki segalanya, Shin…
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Disgraced Attorney Accused of Killing Mother

Posted at 4:42 PM, May 12, 2023 and last updated 1:13 PM, May 15, 2023 By KATIE McLAUGHLIN DEKALB COUNTY, Ga. (Court TV) — Jury selection begins Monday, May 15, in the trial of a disgraced Georgia attorney accused of the beating and stabbing death of his 77-year-old mother. Richard Merritt (US Marshals) Charges against Richard Merritt included malice murder, two counts of felony murder, two counts of aggravated assault, and possession of a knife during the commission of a felony in connection with the 2019 death of Shirley Merritt at her DeKalb County home. According to reports, Shirley cooked…
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Britney Spears’s attorney says he’s ‘proud’ of his work ‘fighting for’ the singer

Mathew Rosengart says he’s “proud” of the work he’s done to #FreeBritney — and beyond — and he’s going to keep fighting on her behalf. (Photo: VALERIE MACON/AFP via Getty Images) Britney Spears’s attorney is “proud” of the work she’s done for the superstar — and he’s going to keep fighting on her behalf. A new documentary about the singer airs Monday — TMZ Investigates: Britney Spears: The Price of Freedom — and the website’s had no shortage of dramatic headlines to tout it. One on Friday was about how Mathew Rosengart, who famously freed Spears from the 13-year conservatorship…
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KY Appeals Court Finds Civil Claims Arising from Denial of Zone Map Amendment were Not Viable

This post was authored by Matthew Loescher, Esq. Representatives of the City of Paris, Kentucky, applied for a zoning map amendment to rezone the 47 acres of property from a conservation district to light industrial. The Paris City Commission and its representatives entered into a non-disclosure deal with a prospective corporate purchaser to conceal its identity. A bourbon distillery was to be built on the property, but the local Planning and Zoning Commission held a hearing during which evidence was presented, and then voted six to three to deny the zone map amendment. The Planning Commission was overruled by a…
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Dem attorney Kim Gardner hit with subpoena amid legal battle to remove her from office

St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner has been subpoenaed by a Missouri state auditor to hand over documents as part of an ongoing audit of the city of St. Louis as Gardner faces a separate effort to have her removed from office. Scott Fitzpatrick issued a subpoena against Gardner and the St. Louis Circuit Attorney’s Office, asserting that Gardner’s office missed multiple deadlines of a document request. Subpoenaed documents include bank statements, credit card statements, policy guidelines and other information. Fitzpatrick says his office originally requested these documents on Jan. 23 with a deadline of Feb. 14, according to Fox…
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FATE INVESTOR ALERT: Hagens Berman, National Trial

SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Hagens Berman urges Fate Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ: FATE) investors who have suffered significant losses to submit your losses now. Class Period: Apr. 2, 2020 – Jan. 5, 2023Lead Plaintiff Deadline: Mar. 22, 2023Visits: Contact An Attorney Now: [email protected] 844-916-0895 Fate Therapeutics, Inc. (FATE) Securities Fraud Class Action: The litigation focuses on Fate’s widely touted April 2020 collaboration agreement with Janssen Biotech, pursuant to which Janssen and Fate agreed to collaborate to develop iPSC-derived CAR-NK and CAR T-cell product candidates for the treatment of cancer. Under this agreement, Fate received a $50…
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NY Appellate Court Prohibits Local Development Agency from Condemning Property for Hospital Parking Lot

This post was authored by Amy Lavine, Esq. A New York appellate court held in December that the Oneida County Industrial Development Agency (IDA) had no authority to condemn property for a hospital parking lot. The court explained in a rather cursory opinion that under the IDA’s enabling legislation, its “statutory purposes” —and thus its use of eminent domain—were restricted to the development of “commercial facilities.” The court noted that “healthcare-related facilities” weren’t included in any of the IDA’s statutory purposes and then concluded that the proposed condemnation would not be for a “commercial purpose” because the property wasn’t being…
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