An Update on the New York Noncompete Ban: It is Unlikely the Governor Will Sign It Anytime Soon

We wrote previously about how nobody seemed to be talking seriously about the noncompete bill that was passed by both the New York General Assembly and Senate last month. If signed by Governor Hochul, the bill would ban non-competes without a carveout even in the sale of a business context, which both California and the Federal Trade Commission’s proposed rule includes. Luckily, in the weeks since we wrote that post it appears that people are finally taking notice. Several legal and industry organizations in New York have either submitted or are in the process of drafting letters or otherwise reaching…
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Maine and Iowa Enact Job-Specific Limitations on Noncompetites

The two states recently have enacted restrictions on noncompete agreements being used in certain professions. In Maine, on June 1, 2023, the Governor signed into law LD 688/HP 457, entitled “An Act to Protect Access to Veterinary Care by Prohibiting Noncompete Agreements.” The act amends Maine Revised Statute title 26, § 599-A, which already prohibits an employer from entering into a noncompete with an employee if the employee is earning wages at or below 400% of the federal poverty level. The new amendment expands the noncompete ban to licensed Maine veterinarians, with a carve out for those with an ownership…
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