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Legal Update: New York City Releases FAQ Guidance on LL144 which governs the use of Automated Employment Decision Tools Just Days Before Enforcement Is Set to Begin | Seyfarth Shaw LLP
Seyfarth Synopsis: Four days before enforcement of New York City Local Law 144 (“Local Law 144”) is set to begin, the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (“DCWP”) published FAQ guidance governing the use of Automated Employment Decision Tools (AEDTs). The release of the FAQs follows a series of roundtables DCWP has held with various stakeholders. As expected, DCWP is moving forward with the July 5, 2023 enforcement deadline.
Late this afternoon, DCWP released its highly anticipated FAQs regarding the requirements of Local Law 144 in an attempt to clarify the law’s requirements. The FAQs which can be accessed here…