Why Americans, including Obama, are in awe of Indian-American attorney Neal Katyal

An Indian-American attorney is being hailed as a “national hero” and “true patriot” in the US after he successfully argued a case before the US Supreme Court against a legal theory being promoted by conservatives, especially those who supported former US President Donald Trump. The US-born attorney, named Neal Katyal, was representing the watchdog group ‘Common Cause’ and won the judgment 6-3, with support from three liberal and three conservative judges. Such was the significance of the case that one legal expert labeled it as the most important constitutional case in US history, while it helped the attorney rarely earn…
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Ex-state attorney: Judges in PM’s trial made ‘unprecedented error’ in bribery comments

Former state attorney Moshe Lador has assailed the conduct of judges in the trial of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after they advised the prosecution and the defense behind closed doors that with most of the prosecution’s witnesses heard, they believe the bribery charge against the prime minister in one of the cases against him will be hard to substantiate. The judges’ comments earlier this month immediately leaked, and this week they confirmed making them. Prosecutors have remained steadfast in their belief that they have a strong case on the bribery charge against the premier. (The accusation is the most serious…
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PA Appeals Court Find Competing Hotel Owner Did Not Have Standing to Challenge Zoning Board Decision

This post was authored by Gabriella Mickel, JD Candidate 2024, Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University In this case, a competing hotel owner, South Bethlehem Associates, LP, challenged the decision of the Zoning Hearing Board of Bethlehem Township Pennsylvania to grant variances to Central PA Equities 30, LLC for the construction of a new hotel two blocks away. The main issue at hand is whether the competing hotel owner has the legal standing to seek a judicial review of the zoning board’s decision. The court noted that ordinarily, standing requires a showing of adverse impact, that reflects a…
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Officers’ attorney claims fatal Farmington police shooting was justified

FARMINGTON, NM (KRQE) – The Farmington Police Department officers involved in a shooting that killed a man earlier this month have put out a statement defending their actions. Robert Dotson’s family held a press conference Thursday, calling out the department for what they claimed was an unjustified shooting. The family is demanding that the officers be charged with 2nd-degree murder, Farmington Police Department Chief Steve Hebbe resigns, and the city council investigates the number of excessive complaints against the department. In a statement released through the officers’ law firm Friday, attorney Luis Robles defended the actions of officers Waylon Wasson,…
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UCLA Extension’s Annual Land Use Conference This Week

UCLA Extension’s annual Land Use Law and Planning Conference is the leading networking event and source of information on California land use legislation, case law, and the emerging issues that frame land use and development practices in the nation’s most popular state. The program’s unique cross-disciplinary approach explores the full range of perspectives drawn from land use planning, legal, development, and environmental communities, and demonstrates how these factors influence the day-to-day work of planners, developers, environmental regulators, and attorneys . Now in its 37th year, the UCLA Extension conference offers a big-picture view of land use law and planning practice,…
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