Casey’s Law training in Georgetown

GEORGETOWN, Ky (WTVQ) — The Georgetown Police Department hosted training for Casey’s Law on Thursday at the Scott County Public Library.

The event begins at 5:30 pm and lasts until…

Casey’s Law is a legal proceeding which results in a court order for involuntary treatment for addiction.

The law was started by Casey’s mother, Charlotte Wethington, after losing her son to an overdose on August 19, 2002. He was 23 years old.

GPD shared information about the disease of addiction, how to go through the process of filing the petition and ended with a Narcan distribution.

Corey Councill, the Recovery Support Coordinator for Georgetown Police says we need to step up and help our loved ones, because addiction is a brain disease and they have trouble admitting they have a problem.

Councill lost his son in 2017. He says he wishes he knew about Casey’s Law before.

“When I found out about Casey’s Law, it was just so inspiring to meet Charlotte and see how she turned her pain into a passion,” said Councill. “You know speaking for Casey.”

At the event, Charlotte conducted the training and spoke about her son’s story.

“I received no help when he was sick,” said Wethington. “I was told he would have to hit the bottom and wanted to help himself, since he was past the age of 18.”

Wethington began working on Casey’s Law in 2003 and it was passed in 2004.

She says she started Casey’s Law for other families in the same situation.

“Never give up,” said Wethington, to those who have a loved one going through substance use addiction. “There is always hope.”