JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Member of Commission IX DPR from the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) faction Netty Prasetiyani Aher criticized the drafting of the Health Bill (RUU) which took place in the Legislative Body (Baleg) of the DPR.

Because, he considered, the preparation was said to be carried out by the method omnibus law such as the Job Creation Law (Ciptaker), which received a lot of public criticism.

“Related to the bill on the health omnibus law, if I’m not mistaken we ask back and forth in meetings, the answer is always unclear, sir, where is the draft? Or what is the direction of the bill on the health omnibus law? What is regulated?” said Netty at the DPR Commission IX working meeting (Raker), Tuesday (24/1/2023).

Also read: Minister of Health Supports Preparation of Health Bill and Waiting for Draft from Baleg DPR

“But how come the incident will almost repeat, sir with the Job Creation Law,” he continued.

He is worried that the fate of this bill will be the same as the Job Creation Law, which is full of polemics because the discussions on the initial draft were not informed.

“The discourse, the issue is circulating everywhere, but the physical form is not visible, it is suddenly being discussed at the Legislation Body,” he said.

“I’m really worried sir, if we then talk about Indonesia’s future health development which will certainly be full of challenges, with the omnibus law method which will definitely abolish, abolish, replace existing laws,” added Netty.

Also read: Protested by IDI, DPR Promises Health Bill to Accommodate Various Inputs

He said, there are at least 13 laws that will be affected if this bill is drafted using the omnibus law method.

For this reason, Netty also asked Budi about the impact on other laws due to the drafting of the Health Bill using the omnibus law method.

“This is not a joke, sir. If this is continued, I agree that we must carry out reforms in the health sector, totally agree,” he said.

“But does it not occur to you that the laws governing midwives, nurses, and doctors have different characteristics or characteristics,” said Budi.

It is known that the Omnibus Law Health Bill is being discussed by the Indonesian Parliament Baleg.

Also read: IDI Calls the Omnibus Law Health Bill Can Split Professional Organizations

This bill emerged on the initiative of the DPR, and will be further discussed with the government.

Member of Baleg DPR RI Ledia Hanifa stated that she would accommodate input from various parties.

He also believes the process of deliberating the Health Bill is not easy, and must be done carefully.

“Because (also) it concerns the lives of many people. Not only professions but also service recipients (health). Society in general should understand it, “he said.

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