With regulations that are more succinct but denser in content, the compliance side of SOEs can be increased. This means that the monitoring function can be carried out more easily. With this situation, it is hoped that the performance of SOEs can increase

Jakarta (ANTARA) – BUMN observer from the University of Indonesia, Toto Pranoto, revealed that the BUMN Omnibus Law can improve the performance of BUMN companies.

“With rules that are more succinct but dense in content, then Sisi compliance SOEs can be increased. This means that the monitoring function can be carried out more easily. With this situation, it is hoped that the performance of SOEs can increase,” Toto said when contacted in Jakarta, Friday.

Toto sees that during the 20 years since the existence of the Ministry of BUMN, there have probably been 45 BUMN Ministerial Regulations issued, some of which are regulations overlapping and some are irrelevant.

“The idea of ​​the BUMN Omnibus Law is to simplify the rules. So it needs simplification. This is good for enforcing the rules themselves,” he said.

The BUMN Omnibus Law policy will simplify 45 ministerial regulations to only three ministerial regulations.

The simplification of rules through the BUMN Omnibus Law is part of the accelerated transformation that is being carried out by BUMN.

The BUMN Omnibus Law itself is one of the four big agendas of the Ministry of BUMN in 2023. The other three big agendas are the preparation of the Black List or Blacklist by cooperating with the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP).

Then the drafting agenda Blueprints 2024-2034 and look back at the performance of pension funds in each BUMN.

Previously, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir continues to be committed to simplifying the bureaucracy within the Ministry of BUMN and BUMN.

After carrying out organizational arrangements, he is now making efforts to structuring legal products through the simplification of SOE Ministerial Regulations from the original 45 Ministerial Regulations (Candy) to three Ministerial Regulations.

Erick said the large number of BUMN Ministerial Regulations had been going on for a long time, namely since 1998. He doubted the effectiveness of the large number of BUMN Ministerial Regulations on implementation rather than BUMN in the field. With only three ministerial regulations, it will be easier for the directors to understand and also implement them.

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Reporter: Aji Cakti
Editor: Biqwanto Situmorang